And so this year we came near the end of the year ... It may be trivial, but when it comes to an end of something, we tend to take stock. In this case, I would say that it is time to understand the pros and cons of this year to an end.
The bad things this year have been many, beginning with the work. I suddenly changed the head and ended up in hell. I had to start over with a new top that I knew, and I had to start to let me know ... Almost fifty years, perhaps no longer really want to be treated like little boys ...
Another bad thing, even terrible, that this year has brought me, was the sudden death of my father. I have lived (and I'm still living inside of me) a terrible tragedy that still do not know if and when it crosses ... But I must continue to live, and smile even when I scream my despair, and try not to weigh this thing on the other.
But now there are beautiful things and wonderful gifts this year. The work, in December the triumphant return of the head that I had before and my welcome with open arms (well, '... the open arms were almost virtual ...).
In spring, the birth of this blog as a result of my discovery embroidery after 12 years of inactivity. This blog has allowed me to strengthen the bonds that were only aware of, and are now making some beautiful friendships. With this blog I met new people, with many of which have close friendships and create bonds.
precisely these wonderful people I have been close when I lost dad with their messages and their affection. Girls, thank you all, but all there and hugging each virtual dedicated to you.
I would say that this alone pay me back the bad things of the year and brings the budget even. If we add that, with my innate optimism, surely I will know other people still shake and other bonds, be 'then the budget becomes positive, and this can only make me a great pleasure!
Now I conclude this post with a little delirious still a very big THANK YOU to all (or all) of those who pass by here and leave me a greeting.
Very good holidays to you all!
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