Monday, February 28, 2011

Kiwi 1 Perception Kayak Review

We're almost there ...

Yes, do not miss well completion dell'Avalon Swan The Primitive Hare. There is still no un'aluccia and legs of the swan ... We hope not to put too much, also because it is from before Christmas embroidery with the same color, and I'm getting sick of "that brown!
Anyway below are my small progress:

Another thing: I finally found a seamstress for my new business! Primitive Dreams to find his banner with the link to his blog. I recommend you go see what she's good!
Good day to all! (Here it snow: how wonderful!)

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Saturday, February 26, 2011

How To Fix A Bracelet From Disneyland

Shani celebrates three months with us

Yes ... time flies, today there are exactly three months that the little Shani became a part of our family !!
As we celebrate? With a bellyful of caimans super fresh crunchy fresh (just emptied the bowl) that give so much energy ... I wonder what a night of waiting for the fools;) and then a nice new pipe (which looks just like his walks and even for a nap) ...

Yes, little seems happy and in great shape:) Shani
Keep it up!
Mom and Dad wish you much happiness as in these 3 months with us!
We are a great team:)

Friday, February 25, 2011

Raisins And Cholesterol

Hello to all!
Anyone interested can find the Primitive Dreams three other letters included in my free SPRING LETTERS.

Go look around!
I wish all the friends who passed by here a happy weekend.

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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Can Krusteaz Be Used For Bisquits?


Well, my friends, we got to the end.
Before publishing our work, I want to thank each of you for your participation and the enthusiasm that you have made. A From now on you can if you want to remove the banner Swap from your blog.

Just a clarification: I'm still missing a picture, that of Laura for Worldlite. If and when I get the picture, will upload directly into this post.
Well, now move to our work.
Below the pair and I Berkane.
Berkana for me
for Berkana:

Another couple: Argante and Miss Marple.
Argante for Miss Marple:

Argante for Miss Marple:

Another couple: FRAGOLANELCUORE and Sabrinaesse
Fragolanelcuore for Sabrinaesse:

Sabrinaesse for Fragolanelcuore:

Another couple: CELTIC SHAMROCK and ANGELA
for Celtic Shamrock Angela:

Angela for Celtic Shamrock:

Another couple: MICHAEL & ANNA-IDIV
Michele Anna-IDIV:

IDIV for Anna Michelle:

Another pair: Fusilli Fusilli Creative CREATIVE and ANNA63LI
for Anna63li:

Anna63li for Creative Fusilli:

Another couple: Laura and Laura for WORLDLITE


Worldlite Laura:

last couple: Clara and LILYBETS
Clara Lilybets:

Lilybets to Clara:

Another big THANK YOU to all and good crosses !

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Monday, February 21, 2011

Welcome Letter To A New Dentist

Ananda Kirtan

Every Thursday at 20:30 at
Naturopathic Centre Ayurvedic Centre

Kirtan Ananda Sangha of a time to harmonize the soul
with vibration of the Masters through song.

We look

Modern Black And White Wrapping Paper

Hello dear friends and a good week.
Today I want to thank my friend Antoinette's blog The bolster Etta to have assigned to my new blog Primitive Dreams recognition Liebster Blog .
It a recognition that is given to babies to encourage blog visits.
Because of this, dear friends, come visit us and find free patterns of the first six letters of an alphabet full of flowers. Follow all the other letters, always free.
'll be waiting!
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Saturday, February 19, 2011

Is Elfa Compatible With Rubbermaid


Hello to all!
First you do a communication: as promised in my blog Primitive patterns of Dreams, I entered the next three letters of my "Spring Letters. The patterns are free so enjoy!

Well, after this "advertisement", I show my embroidery: Always Avalon Swan (is becoming a soap opera !!!). However I would say that is well under way. Here it is:

soon dear friends!

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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Match Pewter And Arte


There once was a girl (it was 1913) called John. This girl fifteen infinitely loved life and dreamed of one day meet a prince who takes her away on his white horse.
Meanwhile, embroidering her trousseau with love and dedication, and enjoyed a world to draw the shapes that they then decorated the linen of her underwear.
To preserve his drawings, Joan had a checkered quanderno that, over time, had filled with patterns made by you and some who knows what cut from newspapers.
Well girls, this little tale to tell you that Joan was my beloved grandmother, the one that first (even before my mother) taught me to take stock of grass when I was about 5 years. Then the mother (ie her daughter) taught me the rest.
The quanderno was given to me by his daughter Joan, Laura, the sister of my dad and then my aunt.
The emotion that I took when I had the book in his hands is indescribable ...
So I got the idea to share the patterns my grandmother's (and slightly modified "primitivizzati") with you all.
To do this I created my new business, complete with a blog. Here's my logo (click on it you enter the blog):

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If you like, there's a little present for you: the first three letters of an alphabet "spring" in section free. The other letters, also free, will follow shortly.
Well, dear friends, we look with a hot tea and a slice of cake. See you soon!
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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Bugatti Veyron Brake System Diagram

Full Moon Meditation



Ayurvedic Naturopathic Centre at
Space Center ASA

full moon day, we join the meditators from around the world participating AHYMSIN synchronized to the Sangha and meditate for world peace.

Participation is as always completely free of charge to members.

Ps would be nice to share a
prasad (food offered to the Devi, which is then consumed by the group meditator, pleasing vegetarian dish)

Sharp Pain In Back Above Waist On Left Side

February 16, 2011 - 1008 Sri

February 16, Pradhosha Vrata

13th day of the crescent moon that is conducive to fast Prasosham alias alias Shiva Shivaratri (The pooja was at night). We are at 20:30 at at The Center for Naturopathic Ayurvedic ASA pooja.

Participation is as always completely free of charge for members.

NB Please bring a clean clear transmission dedicated to the practice, and you can bring flowers or a prasad.

We look

Adjacent Angle In Real Life

back, and I apologize

after a thousand adventures I can post something again ... with things to say.

1) I have to apologize to my fellow swap, for the absurd that I have accumulated delay in preparing the packages and do mailings
2) I have to apologize to my dear Shani, I made a viiiita wait before being able to send pictures ...

I hope you all three lenient in accepting my apology ... and I do not want.
Meanwhile, place the photo of the cake that was prepared for SanValentino My Love ...
you like it?

I've adored ... soon with new jobs.
Ps I am preparing to go to the fair in Milan in March ... those of you who goes there?

Monday, February 14, 2011

Does Any One Have Proxi Es

Lots of photos

finally won the natural laziness of the sysadmin, and for Valentine's Day I put almost all the pictures we have online Shani on Picasa Web : enjoy!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Steel Seal Head Gasket Sealer Cost

E 'with great pride that I show you this award assigned to me by my dear friend Berkana . Thank you dear for thinking of me!
Now, according to the prize rules, I have to tell 7 things I like.
Here is the list:
  1. My family (even if they make me angry enough to almost lose control).
  2. Animals, without distinction and without exception. The ones that scare me are the insects, because they do not know them and I'm always afraid that sting.
  3. The embroidery and so-called "female arts" that involve creativity.
  4. I love eating to excess (and it shows!) Everything, but especially the risottos and desserts made with cream.
  5. reading, especially thrillers, fantasy and essays on meditation and spirituality.
  6. The winter and autumn.
  7. Nature in all its manifestations.
Now I should make this award to 10 other blogs, but I do not know where to start, and I would not make a point. For this reason, I leave the prize to anyone who steps here and want to share.

Berkana Thanks again and good day to you all!
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Monday, February 7, 2011

Dental Hygienist Average Salary Canada

Pradhosha Vrata Puja Saraswati Sharda

Saraswati is the sacred word

Sarasvati is the one who inspired songs, poems, thoughts and awareness of the truth.

This is the seed of its role as Goddess of learning, inspiration and eloquence.

Tuesday 'on February 8 at 20:30 at Space Center ASA will do a Puja in honor of Saraswati, and offer to you all our activities and work, which is Mother's knowledge and awareness.

Followed as always share in Prasad.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Make My Nials Grow Fast


Today dear girls I must show you received a gift for Christmas and, because of my carelessness, now legendary, I forgot to show you.
Take care, Stef, you who know me since we were 5 years old, do not be angry too if I did not post before. Fortunately you know and understand that if I did the first post is just to forget ... no other reason ...
Then, my friend Stefan, knowing how much I like the half a point, this delightful embroidered and sewn wearing glasses (still a thousand times thanks sweetie !!!):

And here one thing:

Friday night I retired to the house of a parcel sent by my dear mother Argante which also contained a gift for my birthday. I'm delighted to have rivevuto these items, handmade by our mutual friend Morgelyn . I find them amazing, and you?

soon dear friends!

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