Sunday, November 25, 2007

Numbness Right Arm Pain Right Chest

My characters

In all the characters when I fall, I try to highlight the most Therefore, the tics can be accompanied by their defects. Some of them are or were some of my acquaintances who marked an important piece of me for life. Sometimes I act like a "magnifying glass" which examines more closely the person in whom I will identify myself then. I think everyone has a split personality, and it is precisely for this reason why you need a good company, because it is the mass that are acquired n ew emotions, new experiences, from which I also took a number of ideas for my performances.

Take for as "The Roma . As reported earlier, he too is part of a m I remember childhood. I met him during the primary, he was a self-assured, slightly arrogant air, Roma fans, of course. Some items I have added chiar catkins, like cigarette or sunglasses. My memory against it is a softie Romanista, always with the scarf Giallorossa and fixed with football matches. I really think that he had "hit" the essence of his personality. Who knows what the end will have done ...

Then there is "Pippin Sitting "A servant from the magnificent places of India. He is part of my childhood, I remember when I was a child my parents took me to the famous city fair, full of stalls and a foreign businessman c h, in most cases were from India. In their admired the amazing gift of Commerce, the way a person attracted to the purchase of an object. I was nice and still are.

Then there is the "Super Coatto , arrogant attitudes, but at the same time childish. Who of us knows at least one Coatto? Anyone who knows at least one ... guess where I saw forced the first in my life? ... On screen, in "Honeymoon" with Carlo Verdone. I remember that the silhouette of Coatto amused me. I was particularly attracted to that language so different and unique, so charming and modern. We can say that it grew Mandanda or down soup & Verdone ...

Then enters "The Mafioso ", the result of my crazy imagination. Perhaps he, like the Super Coatto has a real history, founded by Tg, the Chronicles, and journalists. One could say that Mafioso is seen under my point of view. In my Mini - Skatch also set on, there is a dialogue between him and his men. The latter however, unlike the first, has the voice of a character real, a real character. With this item I designed a lot of jokes that phone to several acquaintances, modestly, we are fooled with all the shoes.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Communication With Stroke Patient

Lariano of La Corrida has been one of my first true debut in front of an audience. And that audience ... more than 4000 spectators that they set their eyes only on you, hundreds of eyes peering your movements on stage ... tension behind the scenes that makes you think
"And if I'm wrong?" ... but the most fascinating thing for me but at the same time inexplicable is the energy of an artist who takes possession at the time rises above a stage to showcase his talents. I remember very well the emotions that I felt that night, those indefinable sensations that made me a double personality, one of two people into one. A comedian, an actor or a singer, when he sets foot on stage is no longer the person before. But enough with the theories ... that's not why you're here, I guess ... I would rather tell you the whole adventure of the Bullfight Larian of 2007. It all started one morning when I heard the radio announcement that the show would be held in the Amphitheatre of Larian. Thus we know that the auditions would take place within the Multi-functional, where the evening of August 27, I presented a Skatch conceived one evening last week. I was so, as they say "Taken" at the hearings. I was in the final. After long periods of testing and modifications of Skatch, arrived on the evening of 30. I remember like it was yesterday that I had to perform as a thirtieth, or something like that. Carefree, so I went for a coffee with what was then the winner: DA, singer. After two long hours was my moment ... It was up to me. Straight games on the stage, and began at once with Mike Buongiorno. After that I set in the shoes of Luke Juror, and then those of Bruno Pizzul, Pupo and the Hunchback of Notre Dame. Although I did not get the win, I can say that not even a spectator in 4000 did a whistle. More 'victory as well! .

Big Football Players In Jock Straps

Shany Martin Debuts The 360-degree

Month: December
Color: Red
Day: Saturday
Season: Winter
Hobbies: Guitar
& Entertainment Writer : Pirandello
Journey: Puglia
The most beautiful trip : Campania
The Poet: The Carducci
Relax : TV and sofa
Movie year: Spiderman 3
The Comedian: The director Carlo Verdone
: Sergio Leone
Perfection : Freddie Mercury
Actor: Carlo Verdone
The Actress: Monica Bellucci
Classical Music: Mozart
Opera: Don Giovanni
The Album of the Year: Think of Fabrizio Moro
The Album Ever: The Greatest Hits 2
track most listened : Gianna
The current group : Queen
Entries: Freddie Mercury, Luis Armstrong, Rino Gaetano
Guitars: Brian May, Edgar Cruz
The player: Francesco Totti
The Champion of Champions : Francesco Totti
I love: to relax
Hate: I hate the arrogance
: The years that pass
Pregio : Silent
a dream (almost impossible) to eradicate poverty

Japanese Woman Gouped On The Train And Bus

Shany Martin was born in the Vellore 02/17/1992. From an early age following his musical character, until you get to the studies of the guitar back in 2003. Then confronted several of its schools in Show "CC", so to get closer to the world of keyboard and battery. He continued his studies by himself and, for four years, directs the TC with Master " Piccolo Coro San Michele Arcangelo . Then enter a part of various bands, including "The Deep". summer of 2007, he also realizes that it has a remarkable vocal range, and thus participates in the "Corrida of Lariano " where he performs imitating Mike Buongiorno, Juror Luca, Bruno Pizzul, Pupo and the Hunchback of Notre Dame, finishing well in the first place. This is followed by a seminar of "Commedia dell'Arte", which expands his knowledge of art - Theatre. He loves to make videos - Comedians, and devise Skatch from Cabaret.

Since childhood Carlo Verdone follows and, in most of his performances, inspired by him and his ways of doing things. Imitation discovers the dowry as a joke, just one day, contact a relative of his makeup and his voice pretending to be another family acquaintance. Bases its Fans Club of Youtube, where he became friends with Gianmarco C., also known Comedian - Imitator of Youtube. Another of his many myths and Fiorello, from which it learned the technique of the "Hunchback of Notre Dame"
(Corrida Successful Lariano of 2007), with whom he performed in matches in most cases family members. Has recently received an invitation to participate as a guest in the next edition of the Corrida of Lecco.